Money. Resources. Skills. Time. Why and what we choose to invest is often based upon our perceived value of benefit that investment will produce. We also desire a good outcome from our investment. Investments require our commitment to the process in order to reap a fruitful harvest—which may not occur immediately. The process may require some tweaking, some risk, patience and perseverance. When the reward comes, it will benefit you and others. The same applies when company leaders choose to invest in their staff members.
Next week begins our two-part series on mentoring, and the value leaders can bring to their team when they recognize how to best invest in them. Employees may excel in various expertise, but have other areas that require development. An employee may perform well on tasks previously outlined, but struggle to lead a project yet formed. The employee desires to develop such skills but is unsure how to proceed. Based on our series topic, what qualities do you believe a good leader needs to mentor their staff/team?
We hope to receive your mentor insights. Next week we’ll depict: The Leader Within.
By Nicole Hayes