Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Trade Tip: To Be New, You Have to Do New

Trade Tip: To Be New, You Have to Do New

Albert Einstein said, "If you want different results, do not do the same thing." He makes good sense but why is this easier said than done? Humans are creatures of habit and often times "new" or "change" can mean "scary."

The fear may be real but shouldn't paralyze you from taking the first step. As we enter another new year, we may have hopes to lose weight, repair relationships, arrive to work on time, improve public speaking skills or begin a new business. All of this is possible with some tips to bring you closer to reaching your goals. Last December, friend and colleague Kareen Riviere, PhD, desired to begin a nonprofit to help protect girls and women in Haiti from violence but knew nothing about beginning an organization. She read books, learned the processes step-by-step, overcame her fears and launched The Empower Foundation this April. She shares these tips for setting and reaching your goals and identifying 'success:'

1- Write it down. Write your goal(s) in measurable, practical steps you can actually achieve. Trying to lose 20 lbs in two weeks is unrealistic. Be specific, not ambiguous. If you want to get up earlier for work, say "I will get up 30 minutes earlier" rather than "I'll get up earlier."

2- Tell others. Share your goals with friends, family or partners to keep you accountable.

3- Lighten up. Let go of emotions that make you feel bad about why you need to make the change (overweight, not so great speaker). Improve from where you are now. Right now is the perfect place to start. Refrain from saying, "I can't workout at the gym because I'm too overweight to exercise in front of people." Or, "I am a poor public speaker so I can't join Toastmasters because others may speak better than me".

4- Today counts. Speak about your goals in present tense. "I'm losing weight right now instead of "Someday I will be slender." You are working toward your goal everyday, achieving your goals in the moment. It's happening right now.

5- It's all good! Don't throw away your plan if you make an error, mistake. Get back on the bike and ride! Every day is new.

6- Every day is full of possibilities. What's your possibility for that day? What are you creating for today? Think about today and not the past.

7- Silence the hype. Don't let your mind talk you out of your goal. Your mind operates in survivor mode, working to keep you comfortable and pain-free as possible. It doesn't really like change. Your mind will perceive change as being "dangerous." Feel the fear, push through and do it anyway!

8- You are success. You create what is successful for yourself. You make your own ruler.

9- Tick, tock but don't stop. Realize the final outcome/product takes time. Rome wasn't built in a day.

10- Get ready for new in 2012!